Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Quote #3

While reading in my textbook, written by my teacher, for my class Government and the Constitution, I came across a quote that I consider worth sharing:

"The restraint of the government
is the true liberty and freedom of 
the people."
~Common eighteenth-century saying

As a side note:
Mom, Caity, and I have been reading Knowing God by J.I. Packer for a book discussion club that we started with some friends. Though only on chapter 3, I have found some wonderful quotes and amazing concepts! Good thing this book is for discussion though because one finds a LOT of meat to chew one right off the bat. I highly recommend this book to everyone! I hope to have more time to post about what I'm learning from the book but for now it's time to help with dinner. =D
~Striving for Christ,

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