Monday, January 10, 2011


Yikes, it's been a long time since we posted. We'll try to get better at that.

In my daily Bible study time I use TableTalk by Ligonier Ministries (I highly recommend it!) Anyway, today there was this quote from The Collected Works of G.K. Chesterton (pg 463, just in case you have that book):
" I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought: and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder."
For quite sometime I've been trying to be more aware of the many ways God blesses me and my family. We write down blessings on a white board in our laundry room to make note of them. If you read Caity's blog then you know she is keeping a record of her thankfulness there. I thought we should start recording them here too. I know some people post these on a certain day of the week, and perhaps we'll get to that as well. For now, I'll just be happy that we are posting them at all and hope that they are an encouragement to you to see God blessing you in many ways as well.

Here we go:
1. A wonderful Christmas break with all 8 of us together at home.
2. Children who love each other.
3. Older siblings who take the time to teach, train, instruct, and nurture their younger siblings.
4. A faithful and dependable husband!
5. A great start to our 2011 school year.
6. A dishwasher that cleans well.
7. Earl Grey tea from Mountain Rose Herbs (really, it's better than any others I know of)
8. A wonderful church family.
9. A warm fire in our wood burning stove on a cold day.
10. Godly parents who taught me to love the Lord.

1 comment:

Tom Brainerd said...

Where's the 'like button on here?