Saturday, May 9, 2009

MOSCOW part2

just to whet your appetite

right when you walk in:

studying niches just past the counter where you order your tea, coffee, scone, or other delicacy

the Ball and Cross (bookstore)

all the books are for sale, but are also available for anyone to come in and browse/read through

books line the loft too

a vanilla frapé that Curtis and I shared

some of the beans

One of the girls I met is actually getting to turn the burlap sacks the beans come in, into messenger bags to be sold in the coffee shop!


Spencer Mom said...

What a fun place this looks to be. Could be dangerous with all those books for sale. I hope you enjoyed your cold drink. Thankfully, it is warming up so that sometimes a cold drink is appropriate. :-)

Queen Mom said...

Oh, Caity, did you spend all day there? :) Thanks for the pictures! We miss you.
Love and hugs,
Queen Mom